by Don Rodgers
First, let me say this is difficult to write. I am a veteran and the most patriotic and courageous people I have ever known come from that connection, but as we see events unfold little is the same in America today as we want to remember her to be. A “National Security Threat” is a phrase with grave meaning, but like many words the meaning is being manipulated to fit an agenda.
This headline from “Liberty News”, “Pentagon Religious Advisor Calls Evangelical Christian Troops Traitors” & “Spiritual Rapists” seems impossible to believe. Many will look at this headline and read the article then shrug their shoulders and say it’s just a story as nothing like that can really happen in America. Some might see it as just the logical progression of what has been happening over the last few years and think there is nothing to be done. Both responses are missing the point.
“This (teaching the word of God) is a national security threat. What is happening…is spiritual rape and what the Pentagon needs to understand is that it is sedition and treason. It should be punished”, Weinstein, Pentagon Advisor, said.
This is dangerous, even if the public exposure of it forces the Pentagon to fire Weinstein. This comes just after a military briefing placed Christians on the list of hate groups; a list where Al Qaida is listed below Christians in order of threats to national security. The seeds are planted and this is another, although one of the most in your face, move to destroy the moral compass of America in trying to intimidate and force Christians and People of Faith to cower in fear.
The Military is the last institution associated with government people still respect, but by indoctrinating those who enter it into the radical leftist mentality and a Godless group think the moral compass of the founding principles of America and our civil society will be weeded out. It leaves our military an armed force with only the current political policies of the day, no matter what they look like, as its guide. It is how you get to, “I was just following orders.”
Remember, those joining our military today are all going to the same radical anti-Capitalist leaning schools the majority of the population attends. What they are taught to think does not change at a core level with an oath of enlistment. The men and women who choose to put on the uniform are good and decent people, but they are victims of that radicalized educational system that no longer respects the greatness of America; a system that demonizes our history and poisons the minds of children against their birthright of God given rights afforded to every American. If the meaning of the Constitution is not taught in schools, then what meaning can the oath to uphold it have to the person speaking the words? As more and more of our current military leaders retire, the more distant the force becomes from the morality and connection to the Constitution many of us associate with the military. This radical policy of making the expression of Faith a crime, if ever enforced, will drive out of our Armed Forces those men and women who still see America as it truly is, “One Nation Under God” and all that comes with it.
Frankly, I hope they try and make what I believe a crime. It is time Christians, our Church leaders, and all People of Faith to be willing to stand against this mind set that is infiltrating all of society, to include now our military. This is not an attack on just our military personnel or religion in America; it is an attack on all of us. Even non-believers should be looking at this in horror as the implications for a government policy to make the expression of ones belief in God a crime is in fact
enforcing thought crime and can be expanded to any expression of ideas a government disagrees with.
This is happening in America and there is much we can do about it; we just have to have the courage and conviction in what we believe and to take a stand. We must fight to change our culture to one that once again respects the values that are truly American, fight to return our educational system to one that honors the greatness of the America of our founding and a system that teaches our children to prepare for real life based on our moral and traditional values and not the fantasy of a false utopia dream. We must fight for the men in women in our military to remove the sickness spewed upon our society by those who wish to destroy their characters and their profession by those like Weinstein and those who have the evil intent of placing him in the position to do so. The “fundamental transformation of America” and of our Armed Forces are true national security threats.
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